Why thousands of Businesses

and Buyers use Cheapershop?

At Cheapershop Shop, we understand that businesses want their customers to find them, and buyers want to easily find products near them. Our mission is to help connect buyers to businesses/sellers closest to them.

Cheapershop Shop helps Buyers

Get the best and closest deals

With Cheapershop, you can search for any item/product (with specific keywords like location and category) and get the closest seller.

Be more efficient

The process of buying on Cheapershop is easy: Search for products. Get the closest seller within your area. Reach out directly to the seller. Get your orders delivered to you.

Manage feeds/what you see

You can follow your favourite sellers to see more products from them. You can also choose your interests to get personalized feeds & recommendations.

Cheapershop helps Businesses

Be more visible

As a seller, our advanced search and SEO would help your shop & products show up when customers search related keywords.

Make more sales

With Cheapershop, everyone sees all the items you sell, which would prevent you from loosing sales because customers didn't know you sold those items.

Receive orders easily

Get your orders sent directly on whatsapp. Customers can reach out to you directly using any of the provided channels.

Be more efficient

With Cheapershop, it is easy to manage your store. You can add, edit or delete items/products any time.

Get in touch
