How To Optimize Your Store For Success
Benjamin   Business Tips   Sept. 22, 2023   3 min read

How to optimize your store for success

Optimizing your Cheaper store is crucial to making sales online. Fortunately, Cheaper knows this and has done bulk of the work in designing our platform. But there's more you can do to make things better, and we don't want you to figure everything out on your own. That's why we have prepared this guide.

While your store might seem to be optimized, there is always room for improvement as long as not everyone who visits your store purchases from you. By optimizing your store, you will increase conversion, sales, and the overall success of your business.

Here are five tips to help you optimize your store for success:

  1. Take/use high-quality product pictures: Unlike a brick-and-mortar store where customers can walk in and pick items off the shelves, a picture is all your online customers see, so if the image doesn't look appealing, they are less likely to buy. Beyond taking pictures, it is also important to showcase the product from different angles and show different sides. Another great type of image is a lifestyle picture that illustrates how the product is used. Thankfully, Cheaper allows you to upload up to 3 images per product.

  2. Write compelling product descriptions: When a shopper is attracted to a product after seeing the picture, the next thing they check is the description. It's important they understand what the product has to offer and what value they'll get from it. Feel free to brag about why your product is different from anything else on the market.

  3. Update your product availability: The last thing you want is for a product to appear as "available" when it is really "sold out". Several people may be pissed off by this, and they might not return to your store. With a simple toggle, you can decide which products your customers can see when they search or visit your store.

  4. Offer discounts: As often as your business finances allow, you should offer discounts to customers in your store. This will get you more store visits and repeat customers.

These tips will help you start off on the right foot as you continue to build, and scale your business.

Your business is our priority, and we are committed to seeing it grow.

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