How To Add Products To Your Store
Benjamin   Tutorials   Oct. 12, 2023   5 min read

How to add products to your store

Have you ever walked into a store or supermarket and found empty shelves? You probably will be pissed while wondering why the store was even open. Your customers feel the same way when a search brings them to your shop and they can’t find products.

Cheaper is all about easy and simplicity, and after reading this post, you’ll see that adding products to your Cheaper store is super easy.

To add products to your store:

  1. Login to your profile

  2. Go to

  3. After logging in, click on Add product and this will take you to the add product page.

  4. Next, you need to add product details. This is where you include all the necessary details about a product that helps your customers make buying decisions, so make sure you are convincing enough.

First, you’ll add product/Item name (You can include emojis)

Followed by Category. You know how supermarkets have different sections for wine, fruits, electronics, foodstuffs, etc. That is exactly what product categories are. So, if you sell shoes, bags, shirts, etc., their category will be fashion. It makes the shopping experience much better for your customers.

Next, add product description. Once again, make sure to add everything you’d want your customers to know about that particular product in other to convince them to buy. This may include size, colour, model, or even complimentary pet coke (for meals).

Next, is to add product images. Cheaper allows you to add up to 3 pictures per product as this will enable your customers see what they want to buy. Make sure to take pictures from different angles.

Then, add the product price (digits only).

Finally, click on the Add product button, and your product will be added to your shop.

NB: There is also a button to make products available in your store, so when a particular product is finished on not available at the moment, you don’t have to delete it entirely, simply make it unavailable. It’ll still be in your shop but customers won’t see it. Then when you get supplies, you can then make it available again.

And that’s how to add your products on Cheaper. If you need more guide, You can watch our guide on how to add products to your store.

Remember, your business is our priority, and we are committed to seeing it grow 🚀

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